The climate emergency is ‘all hands on deck’
21th of July 2023
Climate scientist and philosopher Arthur Petersen did not have to think twice when asked to write a report on long-term climate knowledge. This topic is close to his heart, so he accepted the request by the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). His report ‘Long-term climate knowledge’ (Dutch) also discusses the Climate Research Initiative KIN. [Read more]
Getting started with climate justice in the Crutzen workshop
13th of June 2023
The KIN wants to stimulate knowledge and innovation in a new way. This is necessary to make a substantial contribution to accelerating the necessary climate transformations as soon as possible. This acceleration is necessary to reach the goal of a sustainable, climate-neutral society by 2050. The KIN pre-program council recommended setting up the first workshop with the theme, “How can we accelerate climate transitions from an equity perspective?” Using the ‘Open Space Technology’ method, led by Doris Gottlieb, representatives of key societal actors and stakeholders ‘in the system’ – such as policymakers, civil society parties and scientists – will work together to arrive at a mission-driven research program with the most significant possible impact. [Read more]
Pre-program council advice
12th of June, 2023
Based on the results of the prioritization sessions, including the underlying submitted ideas, the Pre-Programming Council (PPR) had a good discussion on the topic for the first Crutzen workshop. In its considerations, the PPR included the urgency and importance of the subject, the extent to which it contributes to accelerating a systemic transition, and how it connects to appropriate expertise and capacity in the Netherlands. [Read more…]
Climate justice as a basis: ‘You have to shine a light on the whole chain’
5th of June 2023
That climate justice must be included in climate research and policy is not so complicated to explain. Yet Joyce Browne (associate professor of Global Health) and Corinne Lamain (director of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo)) find that the issue is often not addressed well enough. They believe that this must and can be done differently. And that the KIN can make it happen. [Read more]
Accelerate now or the Paris agreement could be unreachable
5th of June
When it comes to climate change, there is no shortage on reports: starting with the IPCC’s well-known final report, then Kees Vendrik’s National Climate Platform, followed by the report of the Expert Team Energy System 2050 on the energy transition. What do these various reports mean for the KIN? And what can the KIN add? According to Detlef van Vuuren, a lot. [Read more]
How do you achieve the greatest impact?
How do you get from 338 ideas to just ten topics that can have as much impact as possible? You invite the parties involved and work in groups. That is exactly what happened at the end of March during the two prioritization sessions that the KIN organized under the guidance of Bureau VanWaarde. The idea is to come from all submitted ideas to the first KIN projects, which will fall under the larger KIN program. [Read more]
From the KIN to the Scientific Climate Council
With due pride (but also with a bit of pain in our hearts), we can report that three scientists who have contributed to the KIN from the very beginning have been appointed as members of Minister Rob Jetten’s Scientific Climate Council (WKR). [Read more]