Hoog water in de IJssel bij Veessen. Mensen fietsen langs de hoogwatergeul Veessen-Wapenveld. Foto Rob Voss

We can still prevent the worst irreversible consequences of climate change. But that will only work if scientists collaborate intensively on solutions together with relevant societal parties and organisations. We are currently working hard to set up the new Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN), so that we can make a substantial contribution to accelerating the transformations needed to achieve a sustainable, climate-neutral society by 2050. Science and research can play an important role in this.

KIN Pact

Civil society parties are part of the Pact with KIN knowledge institutions, which acts as a platform to share knowledge and exchange ideas. It is also a source of ideas for the KIN Program.

✓ broad ‘movement’ incl. societal parties

KIN Program

The KIN Program focuses on concretely accelerating the system transitions and filling knowledge gaps with research that are not being addressed quickly enough within the current system.

✓ mission-driven, focused on system transitions

✓ cooperation before competition

✓ international component

KIN Center

The KIN Center is a network organization and meeting place. It also has a coordinating role.

✓ network organisation, not an ‘old style’ institute

✓ coordinates & manages the KIN

✓ meeting place, climate hub


NWO has a starting budget available to set up the KIN. In November 2022, we started further developing the four tracks. At the beginning of 2023, we will also start a number of research projects as a pilot, in which we want to implement and test the various innovations mentioned in the KIN advice. The pilots help to gradually set up the KIN along the four different tracks: we start small, we learn from the findings during the pilot and expand further. In this way we hope to implement the KIN quickly, but carefully, openly and transparently. We do everything we can to involve all parties that need to be involved in KIN as much as possible in the elaboration and implementation process.